Often times accident happen that have horrific consequences that the alleged perpetrator never intended to happen. When criminal charges are filed against people who allegedly caused that accident, they are faced with a few choices that could often determine their fate.
A recent Dekalb County accident occurred when a car, allegedly fleeing from police from a traffic stop, allegedly ran into another vehicle that at the time had six passengers in it. After the crash, two of those passengers were killed — a 57-year-old grandmother and her three-year-old granddaughter. The man who is being accused of this crime was apologetic when he was taken into court for the first time. He is accused of several allegations, including felony hit-and-run, aggravated assault on an officer, reckless driving and trafficking cocaine, among other allegations.
Often times, when facing a criminal charge, it is best to say nothing until represented by a lawyer. This, unfortunately, includes apologies unless instructed to make one. As is well known, anything that people say can be used against them in court. Sometimes, if the apology comes out wrong, it could be an unintended admission of guilt. That is why, seeking out assistance immediately is the best course of action.
Often times, some of the penalties can be reduced through a strong criminal defense and from plea negotiation. In addition, this may also mitigate the long-term consequences that the defendant will likely have to face. This of course requires being careful and making sure not to say or do anything that could jeopardize a case.
Whether the allegation is a felony or misdemeanor it is often a difficult task to face for a defendant, especially alone. Defendants need to make sure they understand all their rights and defense options before saying anything in court.
Source: CBS Atlanta, “Driver accused of killing 2, including a child, issues apology,” Tony McNary, March 20, 2013