Protecting The Rights Of First-Time Offenders
At Hirsch Criminal Defense, aggressive criminal defense attorney, Matt Hirsch, has been fighting for clients’ rights for many years. He knows the devastating impact of a criminal conviction: loss of employment, home and driving privileges. He uses every available legal tool to keep his clients out of jail and keep their records clean. Fortunately, there are many ways to avoid having a conviction on your criminal history.
Alternatives To A Conviction
There are many ways to deal with criminal charges. Attorney Hirsch will examine each client’s specific position to find a favorable solution to his or her criminal charges. Often, alternative paths may offer individuals the best final outcome under their unique circumstances.
Nonviolent, first-time offenders charged with misdemeanors or low-level felonies may be eligible to participate in a pretrial diversion program through a municipal, state or superior court. As part of the program, individuals agree to participate in alternative forms of sentencing — such as community service and completing classes — in exchange for a dismissal of charges and the opportunity to maintain a clean record. Upon successful completion of the program, not only will the individual’s case will be dismissed, but the record of the charges may be restricted (expunged) off of your criminal history.
First-time offenders are also able to avoid a permanent criminal record by entering a plea under Georgia’s First Offender statute or under Georgia’s conditional discharge sentencing for first-time offenders charged with drug and drug-related crimes. Under the terms of either the First Offender statute or the conditional discharge statute, individuals plead guilty to their criminal charges. A plea on a drug or drug-related case under the conditional discharge statute will prevent a driver’s license suspension. After successful completion of the terms and conditions of your plea, your case will be discharged and access to your criminal record will be restricted (expunged).
Explore Your Options And Preserve Your Record
Do not be discouraged thinking that you might as well give up because you are about to have a conviction on your record. Please call today to discuss your options for avoiding a conviction and preserving your clean criminal history. Contact Hirsch Criminal Defense at 404-919-7096 for a consultation.