Felony Charges Require Experienced Counsel
Felony charges are serious and can impact the rest of your life. Have you or has a loved one been charged with a felony in Georgia? If so, you need to act quickly to secure a skilled, experienced, aggressive lawyer at Hirsch Criminal Defense. Attorney Matt Hirsch has defended clients in numerous felony cases and knows how important it is to have a skilled attorney on board to defend your rights.
The court system throughout the metro Atlanta area is complicated, confusing and overburdened. Fortunately, attorney Hirsch has considerable experience in these areas.
Are You Going To Prison? What Outcome Can You Expect For Your Felony Charge?
If you are charged with a felony specifically in DeKalb Superior Court, the good news is that under District Attorney Robert James, the D.A.’s office has new and expanded options for resolving your criminal case, including:
- Pre-trial diversion for nonviolent first-time offenders
- Drug court for when you are ready to break the cycle of addiction
- First-offender sentencing, which applies to a broad category of offenses
- Conditional discharge sentencing for drug cases
If you, or your loved one, are charged with a more serious offense such as drug trafficking, armed robbery, domestic violence, aggravated assault, manslaughter or murder, you need to act quickly to secure the services of an experienced felony criminal defense attorney. The attorney at Hirsch Criminal Defense is experienced in taking serious criminal cases to trial. If the case needs to be resolved with a plea, you can count on him to investigate and prepare the case as if it were going to trial, all the while working toward seeking a favorable outcome.
Why Choose Hirsch Criminal Defense?
Attorney Hirsch has been practicing in this area for many years. He is ready to help you get through this difficult time.
Contact The Firm For Experienced Criminal Defense Representation
Accused of a felony? Contact the firm’s Atlanta, Georgia, law office at 404-919-7096 for a consultation today.