Low-Level Marijuana Possession Charges
Although a misdemeanor in Georgia, the charge of possession of less than an ounce of marijuana is still a serious offense with serious consequences. At Hirsch Criminal Defense, attorney Matt Hirsch takes this charge very seriously. He works closely with clients, guiding them through the legal system from the moment he takes their case until matters are resolved. If you or someone you love has been accused of this crime, he can answer your questions and help you determine the right criminal defense strategy for your unique situation.
The Consequences Of A “Guilty” Plea
There are unforeseen consequences to entering a guilty plea and paying a fine for the possession of less than an ounce of marijuana. Did you know that you could jeopardize your driver’s license by entering a guilty plea? It could also impact your employment. Additionally, this charge carries the potential of 12 months in jail and up to a $1,000 fine.
Many of the people who come to the firm are college students who risk losing their financial aid if convicted of drug possession. Attorney Hirsch takes these cases seriously. While it is impossible to predict the results of your case, he is often able to obtain favorable results for students charged with marijuana possession in DeKalb County state court. Clients often come out of the situation with no conviction, no loss of driver’s license and no loss of student loans.
Just as there are unforeseen consequences to entering a guilty plea, there are also unforeseen defenses for this charge that only an experienced attorney, like Matt Hirsch, will be able to identify and properly defend.
Depending on the facts of your case, attorney Hirsch may be able to challenge the traffic stop of your vehicle or search of your person or home that resulted in the charges you are now facing. His experience in handling this specific type of drug case can mean a critical difference in the outcome for clients.
Preserve Your Future And Your Reputation
You do not have to plead guilty to marijuana possession charges. Fight back! To schedule your consultation with an attorney at Hirsch Criminal Defense, use the online contact form or call the law office in Atlanta at 404-919-7096.