When a man who is already a convicted felon is accused of any type of violent crime, he typically needs assistance. However, when the criminal charges include murder and child cruelty, the man needs one of the best criminal defenses possible.
A convicted felon was again recently arrested and accused of felony charges. These charges include a murder charge, aggravated assault charges and child cruelty charges. The charges stem from an incident that allegedly occurred in DeKalb County, at 3737 Redan Road in Decatur. The man allegedly shot a woman, who was allegedly his companion, in front of her two children, aged four and nine. The man previously has been charged with various crimes; however, these are by far the most serious charges he ever has faced. The man is currently in jail on a $200,000 bond.
Anytime someone is accused of murder, he or she needs an incredibly strong criminal defense and should seek help immediately. When the allegations are so serious, it is likely that the penalties include significant prison time or worse. Even in these types of cases, however, a defense is possible. For instance, if the incident occurred in self-defense, the accused may be able to explain how everything occurred that led up to the incident. If it is a false accusation, it is important to have a strong alibi in place to refute the charges. Further, if it was an accident, that fact, too, is important, as that can typically mitigate the charges. Whatever the case, it is always essential to seek out help as one wrong move can prove incredibly costly.
No matter what the case, it is important to seek out help immediately with facing allegations of murder. That way, the charges can be mitigated as much as possible.
Source: Examiner, “Felon arrested for allegedly shooting, killing woman in front of her children,” Kimathi Lewis, July 8, 2013