A former marine with the U.S. Marine Corp recently made his way back into headlines following a traffic stop in Georgia. He was in the news back in 2014 following an arrest outside of the United States. It currently does not appear that his more recent criminal charges are in anyway related to his prior arrest, although some have rumored that there may have been more that went on than authorities initially disclosed.
While driving through the state, the former marine was pulled over for what was, according to police, an otherwise routine traffic stop. However, the incident did not end like a routine traffic stop. Instead, it resulted in the man being arrested on various charges, including a DUI. He was also cited for having an open container in the vehicle as well as for minor driving violations.
According to Georgia authorities, the man spent the night in jail before being released on $4,000 bond. As rumors began to circulate that there was more to the story — including other charges or incidents during the arrest — the sheriff spoke out against them. He assured the public that, while drunk driving is not legal and must be handled by the law, there was nothing more that occurred.
Although it has been noted that DUI criminal charges are misdemeanors, they can still have a significant impact on the future of the accused individual. State laws can also determine the severity of consequences for potential convictions. As he is not a Georgia native, he might be well advised to ensure that any decisions he makes concerning a knowledgeable defense team are well-versed in how both state and federal laws may affect his charges.
Source: local10.com, “South Fla. Marine jailed in Mexico arrested in Georgia“, Peter Burke, March 12, 2015