Despite a teenage boy’s description as a young, panicked individual, a Georgia judge denied setting bond for the 16-year-old defendant. Facing criminal charges for the death of a 19-year-old, the prosecution claimed that they were worried the defendant might fail to return to show up his for court date or even try to intimidate certain witnesses. However, without any criminal record, it is unclear exactly why the prosecution requested that he not be granted the opportunity to post bond.
What began as an evening at a friend’s house ultimately took a devastating turn when his friends apparently realized that items were missing from the home. According to the defendant, one of his friends engaged in what was called a civil discussion over the phone with a person who had recently visited the residence. Soon after, the group drove to another location to retrieve the items suspected of being stolen.
Unfortunately, the simple meeting apparently quickly shifted into a dangerous confrontation when at least one person was allegedly physically assaulted. Soon after, the young teen claims that gun shots were going off as he attempted to drag one of his friends to the safety of the vehicle. When the boy returned fire, he supposedly struck the 19-year-old victim.
Now facing criminal charges for murder, he is still behind bars at a local Georgia detention center for youth. While he has so far been unable to receive the opportunity to be released on bond, this does not in any way, shape or form reflect any type of implied guilt on his behalf. As the defendant is so young with so much of life still ahead of him, it is imperative that all those involved with his criminal court proceedings continue to uphold and respect his rights, which include his right to the presumption of innocence unless and until a prosecutor is able to prove that the full extent of his charges are both viable and true.
Source:, “Macon 16-year-old denied bond on murder charge”, Amy Leigh Womack, July 23, 2015