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Georgia teacher facing drug charges

On Behalf of | Mar 23, 2017 | Drug Charges |

Members of some professions seem to be held to a higher standard than others. When a member of one of these professions is charged for some alleged wrongdoing, the media appears to be compelled to notify the public. One recent example of this involves a Georgia teacher who is now facing a variety of drug charges. What many fail to keep in mind, however, is that these individuals are simply accused of a crime; they are not guilty of anything until and unless proved so in a court of law.

According to media reports, a Georgia teacher, along with another individual, was recently arrested. Police records indicate that they were found to be in possession of heroin and cocaine with a street value in excess of $6 million. They were arrested and charged with both drug possession and drug trafficking.

In addition to the criminal drug charges that the teacher is facing, it appears that these charges are also impacting her employment. Her place of employment has been publicized, and parents of students within the school are being notified of the situation. School officials indicate that they too are conducting an investigation into the matter.

When one is facing drug charges, he or she will want an experienced defense team to proceed in court. This team will be able to review the case and the evidence that will be presented and make recommendations as to the best way to proceed. This will allow the defendant to be prepared and ready to answer before a Georgia court.

Source: 11alive.com, “Teacher one of two arrested in $6 million drug bust; another on the run”, Christopher Buchanan, March 18, 2017


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