Most anyone has likely made a mistake as they complete their job-related tasks. While these may be relatively insignificant, some mistakes have more serious consequences. Unfortunately, police in Georgia believe that the selling of the items in two homes owned by R. Kelly was a criminal act rather than a miscommunication between a worker and his boss. The worker now faces multiple criminal charges, including burglary.
Police reportedly became involved in R. Kelly’s affairs after they were contacted by a maid. Reports indicate that his rental homes were stripped bare — including furniture, televisions and personal items. Neighbors say they noticed trucks at the residence but were unaware who lived there or that there was anything worth stealing in the home.
According to reports, police arrived at one of the dwellings one day and blocked in a moving van. They were eventually able to track down the person they say hired the movers — a man who reportedly worked for Kelly. Police reports indicate that the man claims Kelly owes him money. While law enforcement officials were reportedly able to recover some of the items, they claim that the man allegedly behind the sale has yet to be taken into custody.
The man accused of burglary in Georgia now must make some very important decisions. Once he is in police custody, he will likely have to consider whether to answer questions asked by the police — questions that could potentially impact his case. The decisions that he makes in the coming weeks will likely have a major impact on the rest of his life and could be the difference between a lengthy sentence and freedom. As a result, he may choose to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney who can help him fully understand the options available to him and the potential consequences of each.
Source:, “R. Kelly’s metro Atlanta mansions emptied while singer was on tour“, Mike Petchenik, Dec. 6, 2017