Anyone who has encountered motorcycles on a Georgia roadway is likely aware that they are sometimes more difficult to see due to their smaller size. Unfortunately, even the safest drivers can sometimes fail to see a motorcyclist, even after taking precautions. In fact, a driver is now facing criminal charges following an accident involving a car and a motorcycle.
The incident happened one afternoon on a day in late March. Reports indicate that a motorcyclist was traveling southbound through an intersection. Unfortunately, another vehicle allegedly entered the intersection, and the two collided.
The 24-year-old motorcyclist died at the scene. The driver of the vehicle now faces criminal charges as a result of the accident. Charges include vehicular homicide in the second degree and failure to yield the right of way when entering an intersection.
Most drivers in Georgia are committed to ensuring traffic safety. Unfortunately, despite the efforts made, car accidents can still happen. Now a person is facing criminal charges as a result of an accident and is likely wondering about his legal options. Many people in such a situation have little experience with the legal system. Fortunately, there are attorney with experience with criminal law who can ensure that defendants are fully aware of all of their options and the potential consequences of each, allowing them to make informed decisions; as a result, they often feel more prepared and less stressed as they make the choices that could potentially have a significant impact on the rest of their life.
Source: Sandy Springs, GA Patch, “Motorcyclist Killed In Sandy Springs Crash Identified“, Kristal Dixon, April 2, 2018